It can be said
pregnancy is the most life changing experience in a woman’s life. Your body
is providing you the unconditional love you didn’t know you were craving until
baby arrives. We can chat endlessly
about how beautiful and natural the process of pregnancy is and all the fun you
had feeling baby kick, choosing nursery decor, picking clothes and everything
involved in preparing for your new addition.
But, let’s be real
here. There are many unpleasant modifications happening to your body to
accommodate baby. Although ultimately worth it,
some of these changes can be hard on your body, making your pregnancy
experience uncomfortable. Many of these issues pile up and get swept under the
rug, including back pain.
Most women are
unaware they are able to undergo chiropractic services while pregnant with
complete safety for mother and child. Some even have the idea that back
pain is specific to them and nothing can be done about it until after baby has
been delivered. Wrong. Fact is, a large majority of women experience back pain
during pregnancy. If you didn’t have some sort of everyday wear and tear pain
in your back before your pregnancy, you
can be sure that you will have it at some point during, and most likely
afterward. Several things are going on in your body at this time.
Hormonal changes:
Most women probably remember the vivid back and joint pain
during the first trimester of pregnancy (unfortunately lingering throughout the
entire pregnancy for some). This is a result of the intense hormone changes the
body is going through, preparing for more physical changes ahead. Ligaments are
softening, causing the severe pain.
He ain’t heavy, he’s my baby:
Secondly, your baby puts a lot of weight on you. Your spine
has to carry this extra weight without the luxury of time to help it become
acclimated to the new weight. As your baby grows, it needs more room. Lots of
pressure, muscle separations and shifting around is happening, and could cause
pain in your lower back and pelvic region. If you’re lucky it stops there.
Compounding the problem:
The vast majority of us have changed our posture to
alleviate the lower back pain. Although this seems to help, the relief is
short-lived. Improper posture spreads the pain into your middle back and
possibly higher. Additionally, your sleeping positions have changed, which is
unintentionally changing your posture as well.
Love’s Labors Lost
Most women who are in
alignment when going into labor have less
than 3 hours of true labor. When the system is working properly, the
nerves tell the proper muscles to fire at the proper time, making for an optimal
delivery system; of course, the opposite is true for a woman whose system isn’t
working properly. According to NUCCA Dr. John M. Kowalczyk, “I have seen over
100 pregnant women in my practice and 95% of them that went into labor on their
own (i.e., not induced), progressed quickly through labor.” Wow.
You do not have to live with the intensity of these
afflictions. Chiropractic care is increasingly becoming encouraged during pregnancy
due to the safety of the practice. NUCCA alignments, in particular, are super
gentle and highly effective. Your body is going through many uncomfortable
changes; severe back pain does not have to be one of them. In fact, your NUCCA doctor can guide through a customized
treatment program that will help alleviate pain during pregnancy, and in many
cases, can even shorten labor and delivery time. NUCCA chiropractors are more
than aware of the alterations your body is going through during pregnancy. You
may not receive the typical chiropractic remedy you have previously, but there
is a wealth of special techniques to benefit you and your baby.
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